MICE Territory discussion will be traditionally held at the Intourmarket International Travel Fair

Intourmarket is launching Russian territories for MICE and business tourism. Major events give impetus to the development of territories. At the current stage of development almost all Russian regions are ready to provide quality product for business and corporate events. And it is in the regions which have unique opportunities right now — genuine hospitality, rich history and culture, unique locations, readiness to fulfill the client’s wishes. All this gives the event organizers the room for realization of their projects. Participation in the program is free, pre-registration is required.
The event will be held from 11:00 to 14:00 on Expocentre Fairgrounds. This year, like last year, all events will be streamed live and video recorded for industry professionals.
Over 60 events were held at six venues of Expocentre with over 320 speakers taking part.
— Plenary session on topical issues of industry development.
— Specialized session on the Silver Necklace of Russia interregional project . Organised by the St. Petersburg Convention and Exhibition Bureau with the support of the St. Petersburg Committee for Tourism Development.
— Creative laboratory of the Patterns of Russian Cities federal project . Theme: Development of tourism and creative industries in municipalities and mono-cities of the Russian Federation.
— Case-session: MICE-map of Russia: focus on the cultural code of the territory. Expert session: Tourist potential of the region as a factor of attraction for business and federal/regional events.
— Roundtable discussion on Perspectives on Road Tourism. What travellers need on the road.
— Round table: A Road to Sustainable Tourism.
— Seminar: Bayborodin & Partner Lawyers for travel business " (topic to be specified).
— Round table: How to organize cooperation between authors of tourist souvenirs and tourism business.
— Panel discussion of the Project Office for Tourism and Hospitality Development in Moscow (topic to be specified).
— Working meeting of the regions participating in the Imperial Route national project.
— Awarding the winners of the all-Russian competition:Tourist code of my city, settlement, district — PRO-tourism.
— Round table: Active routes and tourist trails: design, organisation, staffing.
— Training workshop for hoteliers by TopHotels experts.
— Expert round table of the Gorod Moscow Centre for Urbanism Foundation.
— A training workshop from the Alean tour operator .
— Seminar: Tourism and the Law. Legislative Drafts and Prospects for 2023.
— Panel discussion: The Far East and the Arctic: New Travel Opportunities. Summer-2023.
— Presentation of tourist potential of the Kaliningrad region.
— Round table with international participation on health and medical tourism.
— Interregional charity auction: Tourist Business with an Open Heart for the benefit of the children’s Lighthouse hospice .
— The final of the all-Russian MediaTour competition.
— “Altai Krai. All real!” — Presentation of tourist and recreational potential of the Altai Krai.
— Strategic session with leaders of creative industries enterprises in ski resorts of the North Caucasus.
— A joint event of the Moscow Tourism Committee and St Petersburg Committee for Tourism Development . Case-session: Two Cities — a Million Impressions!
— Round table: CIS+World. Travel insurance as a safe travel platform.
— Intelligent Travel Marketing technology conference.
— Case-session: New geography of St. Petersburg.
— Practical Academy for Health and Wellness Tourism.
— Training workshop for tourism information centres.
Organised by the National Association of Tourist Information Organisations (NAITO).
— Round table: Formation of regional calendars of events. Methodologies and success stories.
The Russian Union of Travel Industry has prepared several important business events.
Among them are the PRO Children’s Workshop from the Children’s Tourism Committee; a case study session dedicated to the all-Russian project: Development of Inclusive Tourism; round tables: Motor Tourism as a Driver of Tourism Industry Development, Digital Trends in Tourism in 2023: First Results and Guide Certification: Benefit or Formality.
The RUTI Commission for River Cruises invites to the working meeting: Navigation 2023. Prospects for Cruise Tourism Development in the New Economic Conditions.
The list of events will be updated and expanded, stay informed of our news.