Europe Sun & Beach 20.09.2019
Share of Russian tourists in Turkey is 36%
During the first 8 months of 2019 the tourists’ flow growth to Turkey is 16,7% and equals 10 760 00 tourist’s arrivals. During the period of January-August 2019, 3 865 310 Russians visited Turkey and that is 14,8% more than during the same period of 2018 and more than in whole 2017 (3 800 000 tourists). And that is 36% of all the international tourist’s arrivals to Turkey. According to Daily Sabah, Russia in now on the first place on number of international tourists, followed by Germany on the second position with 1 700 000 tourists (Germany’s share is 15,8%). The third position is taken by Ukraine with 596 645 tourists. The Great Britain is on the fourth place with 530 444 tourists and Poland is number five with 400 214 tourists.

So, the priority of Russian and Germany markets is so great that some experts remind about the events of 2016, when because of political disagreements with Russia and Germany, Turkey has lost almost 50% of foreign market. The dependence of two countries was very expensive for Turkey then. The experts make cautions for preventing the same situation again.