Europe Sun & Beach 06.01.2017
Tourist flow from Russia to Spain fell by 18% in November
Spain in November 2016 has hosted 41,5 thousand Russian tourists, which is 17.6% less than in the same period of the last year, according to the data of the National Statistics Institute (INE) of the country. At the same time, during 11 months the number of Russian tourists increased by 1.8% and amounted 962.6 thousand people. Totally for 11 months of 2016 Spain was visited by 71.583 million foreign tourists, which is 10.1% more than in January-November of the last year. In November, the number of foreign tourists was 4.1 million, which is 9.2% more than in the same period of 2015. In November, the number of tourists from France also significantly reduced by 12% (533.4 thousand people). It is noted, that in November the number of tourists from Ireland increased by 37.2%, from Portugal - 31%. The foreign tourists often prefer to rest in Catalonia (17 million people), Balearic Islands (12.9 million), Canary Islands (12 million) and Andalusia (10.1 million). Madrid since the beginning of the year was visited by 5,320 million foreign tourists, which is 12.6% more than in the same period of the last year.