Europe Sun & Beach 02.05.2017
Every seventh tourist in Cyprus is from Russia
The demand for Cyprus continues to grow. In March, the island hosted 55.1% more tourists from Russia than in the same period of the last year. According to the Statistics Service of Cyprus, in March Cyprus took another record of tourist flow, hosted 2.8% more tourists than in the same month a year earlier. The largest role in the growth of tourist traffic continues to play Greece and Russia. In March, the tourist flow from Russia increased by 55.1%, and from Greece - by 10.7% against the same period of the last year. "We clearly maintain the balance of the existing accommodation volume and air transportation. Nevertheless, the demand for the direction has grown in our company by 10%", - says the General Director of PegasTouristik tour operator Anna Podgornaya. "The demand for tours to Cyprus has grown, which is connected with the long season. This year is quite warm, and the season began very early", - notes Anna Filatovskaya Director of the direct sales department of ICS Travel Group.