Analytics 25.10.2019
ATOR has analyzed 12 summer destinations according the prices
ATOR analytical service has revealed the cheapest and the most expensive prices for summer popular destinations in 2019. It was done on the results of regular price measurements. And the most profitable periods during the season were also defined.
The measurements of tour packages prices (10 nights for DBL room with food) were done once in a fortnight on 12 most popular beach destinations, having 80-85% of all the summer sales, on the base of tours search system during the period from the beginning of May till the beginning of October. The measurements were made 2-3 weeks before the date of tours start.
For Russian Black sea coast destinations the second part of June was the period of the highest prices, the beginning of August was the maximum peak of prices for Crimea. On contrary the “cheapest” period for Sochi and Anapa was the second part of May, the beginning of June and the beginning of September and for Crimea that was May holiday period, the second part of June and the second part of August.
For “all inclusive” Turkey the highest prices were fixed during the second part of August and the second part of September. The most profitable reservations were booked for the second part of May and in September. The average prices in Tunisia were rather stable being maximum in the beginning of August and the lowest prices were soon after the May holidays.
Montenegro and Croatia had maximum prices for the beginning of June and the second part of August. The lowest prices were fixed for the second part of May, for the beginning of September and October.
Maximum prices for Bulgaria were in the second part of June and all the August, the prices were lower in the beginning of June, in July, in the beginning of September and October. Greece and Cyprus had the similar dynamic except the beginning of June, when Cyprus demonstrated the prices’ maximum while Greece had the lowest positions.
The beginning of June, July and September – the highest prices for Spain, the minimal prices were in the second part of May, June and July and in October. The average prices for Italy were more stable with low range during the second part of May and the beginning of June and with the maximum prices during May holidays, the beginning of June, the second part of August and September.
So, during this summer season the tourists, reserving the tours 2-3 weeks earlier the start of the tour, have got the most profitable tours for the second part of May, July and at the end of season (the end of September-the beginning of October).