Events 14.11.2018
23rd EMITT Exhibition is opening the doors on January 31th
The organizer of international exhibitions in Turkey's industries fueling the economy, ITE Turkey East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel Exhibition (EMITT) opens the doors at TUYAP Fair, Convention, and Congress Center between January 31 and February 3 in 2019. The number of foreign visitors is expected to see a record-high in this year's exhibition which is considered as an exhibition that creates great value for its participants and prepares the ground for important collaborations.
This year, around 900 invited tour operators from more than 100 countries including Asia, Europe, Far East, and Latin America will participate in the ’invited tour operator" program organized each year as part of the exhibition in cooperation with Travel Shop Turkey.
"As well as being held in Turkey, a country surrounded by natural beauties, a rich history, diversity of culture, and superior service quality in tourism industry that only a few countries in the world may have, the importance of EMITT also comes from bringing together the tourism professionals and industry representatives from all around the world. The exhibition plays a decisive role for our country’s and the world tourism as it enables discussions on the recent developments of the tourism market, sectoral analyzes, and decision-making regarding the future steps in line with the global developments.” stated the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mehmet Nuri Ersoy.
“I would also like to draw attention to another important aspect of this year's EMITT Exhibition. As is known, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of our Republic, we officially opened the Istanbul Airport. This project, which is a source of pride for the rising Turkey, without doubt, is one of the most important investments to save the future of tourism with regard to the tourism activities in İstanbul and Turkey” stated the Minister Ersoy and added that, " the new airport already become the largest “hub” of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkans, and the Caucasus regions with its capacity. Since the opening, we have witnessed the impact of the new airport when we look at the demands of the industry. It is obvious that this impact will have positive effects on every platform, especially on EMITT Exhibition.”
Aydın: "The Number of Foreign Tourists Visiting Turkey Continues to Increase"
Hacer Aydın, Tourism & Travel & Fashion Group Director of ITE Turkey, said that the 23rd EMITT Tourism Exhibition have provided a substantial contribution to the Tourism industry, and she believed that they would be more successful than the previous year and also stated:
“Last year, we hosted 1,065 exhibitors and 54,364 visitors from 85 countries. This year, we are preparing to host thousands of participants and more than 60,000 visitors from 90 countries. We can say that EMİTT substantially contributes to the economy, tourism, and country brand of Turkey. Last year, there was also a great demand for the exhibition we organize each year and this year, once again, the demand for participation from foreign countries is very high. This shows that we're doing the right thing. Hence, these results motivates us to accelerate our business performance in order to provide greater benefit to our country.”
“According to the data recently announced by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Russia, Germany, Iran, Georgia, and Bulgaria are the top 5 countries among tourist-sending countries of Turkey. The number of foreign tourists visiting Turkey increased by 24.9 percent in the first 7 months of 2018 and reached up to 21.64 million people. According to TÜIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) data, Turkey's tourism revenue rose 30.6 percent in the first half of 2018 and increased to 11.47 billion dollars from 8.78 billion dollars. This data shows that tourism industry in Turkey becomes more powerful every day. We become more hopeful when we see these results.”
According to the data received from Ministry of Tourism and Culture, the increases in June-September period exceeded 40 percent, and the increase was mostly because of the tourists coming from Germany and Russia, Aydın added.
EMITT, which will take place between January 31 and February 3 in 2019, will host tourism professionals for the first two days and holiday consumers on the third and the fourth days. Holiday consumers will be able to explore the destinations they like and have the opportunity to choose the routes fitting their budget with charming prices offered by "early booking" campaigns.