Analytics 14.03.2015
Popular Movies Affect Tourists’ Choice
Popular movies directly affect the choice of trip destination. For example, after run of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the requests of Russians for hotels and flights to Iceland (where the main character performed by Ben Stiller) increased almost double. It is written in the report of Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR).
The experts of engine travel service Kayak analyzed search queries for hotels and flights two weeks before and after the first run of several blockbusters. They made the conclusion that popular movies affect anyhow the preferences of Russian travelers.

So, after the first run of The Great Gatsby Russian funs of Leonardo Di Kaprio searched flight tickets to New York on 14 per cent more often, - ATOR says.
The Oskar holder The Grand Budapest Hotel also affected the choice of Russians. In a week after the first run, it was stated the increase of demand for air tickets to Budapest (16 per cent more) and the hotels there (11 per cent more).
After the run of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Russians started more often look for tours to New Zealand, although the tourists from other countries did not interest in that destination. The thing is that they already had chance to travel to the Southern Hemisphere in the beginning of 2000 when Pieter Jackson filmed in New Zealand The Lord Of The Rings.