Bulgaria considers Russia exclusively important counterpart in tourism — minister

Russia suspends visa-free regime with Turkey

Russian official says Russian tourism flow to Turkey unlikely to resume

Russia tightens security during flights to Turkey

Closed Turkish tourism destination may leave many unemployed — tourism union

Suspension of visaless regime with Turkey not critical for Russian tourism — ATOR

Turkey’s annual revenues from Russian tourists stood at $10 bln — Russian tourism watchdog

Major Russian tour operator cancels all holiday packages to Turkey until end of December

Konstantinos Mitsis, Greece: "In 2015, we hosted 40.000 Russian tourists"

New website of Gloria Hotels and Resorts

New hotels will be opened in Halkidiki

Antalya will lose in 2015 to $ 5 billion because of the decrease of Russian tourists' traffic

Bulgaria predicts drop in tourist's flow from Russia by 20% by the end of the year

Arrivals from Russia to Spain fell by 37%

Croatia wants to develop economic, cultural ties with Russia

The introduction of biometrics is to stop group tours to Poland

For last 7 months, the number of Russian tourists to Spain decreased by almost 40%

Subsidies will not help Turkey to save the flow of tourists from Russia due to the fall of the ruble

Turkey will subsidize charter flights from Russia to keep the flow of tourists

Several flights from Moscow to Greece delayed because of the strike of Greek traffic controllers