Analytics 22.07.2019
3 millions passengers have used Sochi airport
The total number of passengers in Sochi international airport during the period of January-July 2019 consisted of 3 018 589 persons. That is 10% higher, than last year, when that were 2 735 042 passengers.
2,9 mln passengers (+10%) used the flights inside Russia, and 140 000 passengers (+18%) used international destinations.
There were 11 734 turns off air crafts operations in the airport during the first six months and that is 8% higher than in January-July 2018.
The total amount of transported cargo and mail during the period is 1 553 t (+3%).
The most popular home destinations from Sochi were: Ekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Simferopol. Among the international destination the leaders are: Yerevan, Minsk, Istanbul, Tashkent and Tel-Aviv.
Since June 2019 the route network of the airport got the new flight to Dubai. This regular flight is fulfilled by Fly Dubai air company on Monday and Friday.