2019 - Sales in August
MGP (Magazin Goryaschikh Putevok, lit. Store of Last Minute Tours) - the Russian federal travel agencies network is publishing its own Index showing the situation in sales in all the network’s agencies. The level of sales on 01.01.2013 was taken as the starting point=100. The index for the last fortnight is 157,16 and that is +0,61 to the fortnight earlier. It is formed as the results of adding up the indexes of “rising” countries (Tunisia +10,15, Dominicana +7,13, Spain +4,21 and Vietnam +3,52) and the indexes of “falling down” countries (Thailand-10,29, Russia-9,46, China-2,31, Turkey-1,97, Cyprus-0,69 and Greece-0,31).
The whole tourists’ flow is formed by 53% of travelling couples, 20%-singles, 18%-three travelers in the reservation and 9% of 4 and more travelers. The table shows the average check (1 euro=73,38 for 31.08.19) for each country and composition of travelers during the last fortnight of the summer in MGP network sales.The diagram shows the relative popularity of the countries and Turkey is the evident leader-48,9% here. The following countries Russia 9,8%, Tunisia 7,3%, Cyprus 6,2%, Thailand 5,4% and Greece 4%, Vietnam, Dominicana, Spain and China form the other part of the circle.